Saturday, February 18, 2006

random thoughts on a sunny saturday

I tried posting a blog a few days ago and dernt Blogger ate it up and spat it out! Ah well, ксмет (luck, destiny), what can you do? It was a sad and dreary post anyway. I was having a sad and dreary day as a result of the never ending winter, multiple accounts of bad news which will directly and indirectly affect me (more info on that as it actualizes).

Speaking of never ending winter, it’s a B-E-A-YOUUUU-tiful day today! I was at school this morning (yes, on a Saturday morning) for the “English Olympics.” The snow was melting off the roof and the wind was whipping the water against the windows. It sounded like a terrible storm. When the wind is idle, it is nearly warm outside. Just to guess, I’m sure it’s above 10C today. If it weren’t for the melted snow and slush everywhere (and ice in the shade, yet) I’d go for a walk. And if I weren’t a lazy bum! I just discovered that for once this winter, Bulgaria is having a better day than Nashville! MOOOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHA! I hear you've got freezing rain right at 32F! We have sunny, cloudless skies! Score one for Bulgaria!

One of my good friends is going through a drama like I went through not too long ago and it makes me realize a couple of things. People really aren’t that different. Women have trust issues; either they trust too easily to feel validated, or they are scared to death of trusting. Men have self issues; they’ll do anything to keep self looking good, not thinking about how their lies and untruths and not-quite-the-whole-stories will be aired out eventually. It boils down to one thing – we have a terribly hard time being honest with ourselves. How can I expect you to be honest with me when you can’t be honest with yourself? Fine, I forgive you, all of you men, for not being honest with yourselves nor with me. I’ll forgive you for the hurt that has caused me, the scars that I’ve been left with. But don’t expect me to trust you. And here the cycle is revealed! Women have trust issues because men aren’t honest. Ах божичко! I know there are good guys out there. I don’t know many of them. But I trust they exist. I even trust that there is one for me.

Oh, here’s a funny – I was recently making fun of my mom’s laugh because it cracked Lucia up. Actually, it started by me making fun of the fact that I have begun to laugh, occasionally, like my mother. I think that the rapid deterioration of my lung quality (because of this terrible Bulgarian quasi-air) has brought on the same wheeziness to my deep, hardy laugh that my mother so fabulously personifies. So, Lucia took a clip of it. Thanks to the wonderful world of Google, I can paste the code into my HTML and smack! there’s the clip. Lucia uploaded the clip, Google verified it, I googled it, and now here we are! Google is hosting my images for me. Isn’t it fantastic? Enjoy.


The Tsar said...

I was included in this clip and I have not received my royalties yet. I assume they are in the mail...

Maegen said...

were you on there? i'll send you your share as soon as i get mine.

Anonymous said...

Was I sitting with Andy when that happened? Gee, I wish I was paying more attention to the interesting conversation about Hamas or whatever historical significant event that happened and people mash on about over and over again...Ok, I'm not mad or resentful, I just felt like my mind was overloaded by intellectualism and I needed to point out that some of us also like reading even though it's stupid.

Nice conditioner, Maegen!

Maegen said...

so, i'm using this new masque on my hair... gnaagnaagnaa (lucia, i love our jokes!)

oh yeah, i saw a small corner of andy's face in there... you want royalties dude? i think not. nancy and i were clearly the primaries in this clip, and our time and talent was entirely pro bono. you can talk to the producers about your share. you can find them here. kcmet w/ that.

Anonymous said...

Honey, I had to let you know that you aren't going to have your mother's laugh, YOU HAVE YOUR MOTHER'S LAUGH!!!!! When you opened that mouth and reared that head back and exploded that wheeze,
honey that was right on the money.
Laugh, you are on candid camera.
Will be so glad to see you, we all miss you so much. Your mother would never admit it but she is not the same without you in the USA! You look happy and that makes us all happy.
I love you,