Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Update on the mouse:
Няамам! I had the cat around. She inspected the flat, except for my bedroom which was quickly closed off. I DO NOT want any dang fleas! After climbing on my table, counter, and into the sink, she finally showed she was content with the place by curling up on the couch. Then the little pill of a mouse started scratching around again. Oh, kitty didn't like that. She ran over, prowled behind the oven, chased mousie, SHE CAUGHT HIM!! I was so excited!! Like any good cat, she played with her kill for a bit. I used a newspaper and a plastic bag to rid my floor of the dead mouse. I applauded kitty. I returned kitty and the mouse trap and left the dead mouse in the newspapers in the bag at the foot of the stairs. It's kind of hard to explain in Bulgarian, "Hi, thanks for letting me borrow your cat. Here she is, she's sufficiently de-pested my flat." So I just pointed to the bag and said "Всичко е добре!" "Everything's okay!" No more mouse trap, no more cat, no more mouse!!

Some one I hadn't emailed in a while asked me how I was doing. What an overwhelming question! This is how I summed it up for him..
A few of the things I learned this summer and am still learning now... In no particular order.
1. It's okay to not be productive for a bit. Maybe you need to grow before you can produce.
2. It's okay to be lonely for a short season. It helps you to recognize the importance of the love you receive.
3. Silence is a chance for God to cause you to pull closer to him, like a teacher who whispers from the front of the class so the noisy brat in the back will have to be quiet in order to hear anything.
4. You've got to love everything, even the questions, "love all that is unresolved in your heart... try to love the questions themselves." R.M. Rilke.  If you don't learn to love the questions, the answers will always be too big for you to understand. You have to love the mystery before you can truly understand the resolution, the conclusion.
5. Maybe it IS better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
6. There are a lot of things, people, and events in my life that I have a habit of turning to for comfort before I turn to The Comforter. A season of solitude will quickly begin working that out of a person.    

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am glad that the cat got the mouse. I enjoy your writing. How about writing about your school?

Love, Dad