Spring break recap:
Friday: Fun times evening with Elena and Razlogshki friends.
Saturday: Day in Blagoevgrad including spa treatments. Dinner in Bgrad. Dancing till my bootie aches. Note: Blagoevgrad is extra fun! But if you really like to dance with your girls, sometimes the guys are creeped out and just stare at you. Uch, Creepy.
Sunday- Tuesday: Moving on, Becca & Krichim fammo times. Got sick again. Get duners and antibiotics and coffee at the café/bar with
the hottest dudes in Plovdiv.
Wednesday: Take the night train w/ Becca to Varna, watch the sun come up on the beach, eat McDonalds for breakfast, meander around Varna, catch up with Andy! See Carin for the first time in
ages ;)
Thursday: Play tourist in Varna (Archeological Museum and dolphin café, make a dinner for EVER!
Friday: Get tex-mex with Celche, shop (hoodie, ring, and sweet khakis), get Turkish with the group. Randomness. Get on train.
Saturday: Splurged for the sleeper cart. Arrive in Sofia. Freshen up and dump stuff at the PC Office. Meet Lucia for a soy latte, a very long walk around Sofia, with Chris, the 2leva bunny (shhh, it’s a deer). Meet Ethan for Vietnamese that doesn’t exist, Indian works well too. Make it back to the log in one, weak and exhausted and not too healthy piece.
That’s the summery. I’ll try to write some of the random stories that made it an exceptionally awesome week. But here are some of the essentials:
I love adding “iz” in the middle of words. So “Hot Spot” a swanky over priced store becomes, “hizzle spizzle.” How swanky are you
now?? This becomes exceptionally funny when you put Celia and I together because we are pretty funny together. Or obnoxious. You decide.
Lucia was bumming today, and I was feeling pretty sickly. But we say animal balloons. Lucia offered to buy the balloon if I carried it around all day. We decided to name it Chris. Chris and I took pictures doing silly things like being frightened of a stuffed hawk, being sad we can’t go to the J-Lo concert, contemplatively reading a book titled “Porn,” and joining Ethan to gawk at the deer (statues) in the park. We had fun.
I love to laugh. Ha ha ha ha ha (insert Mary Poppins song here). It was just so good to be with people who make me laugh. I wish I had these people around me more often. As one group of PCVs is getting ready to leave, and another is nearly here, I’m frightened at the prospect of being separated from my friends.
My mom’s brought up the idea of going into non-profit/social work again. Grrrrr… I wish I had the slightest clue. I always say I could never see myself living there, but it’s always the first place I think of when I think of going into social work. I just don’t know exactly what I would do. What about literacy. I wonder what the literacy rate is for Del Norte County, California. What if I started/worked for a literacy foundation-NPO? That covers the linguistic and the social work. Ack, starting and or running an NPO? Poor forever in California? Or dear… I have 15 months left to figure it out. And of course, I’ll have to get my MA first. Shew, at least there’s that.
I clearly need to rest. Oh, one more thing. I was listening to Johnny Cash’s “American IV” on my way home from the bus station today. You who’ve been to my lovely town know that my street runs along a cute little river. It’s been warmer lately, and the recent melt has caused the water lever to rise and the speed to pick up. As I was walking this road, “Bridge over troubled water” came on. I choked up thinking about the people who would be there for me if I needed them, and the people who I like to think I help support. It’s cheesy but yes, “when evening falls so hard, I’ll comfort you. I’ll take your part when darkness comes. Thank God for friends and family, antibiotics and decongestants.