Monday, April 10, 2006

meggie hurt, meggie hurt baaaaaddddd

I don’t know where to start.  I feel like I’m floating in a world of discomfort.  It’s not too dreadfully painful, but it’s far from pleasant.  I don’t want to write a long list of complaints.  Suffice it to say, with all of the other mitigating factors, my sitemates left Razlog this morning never to return.  I sobbed with all of Harmonie’s high schoolers last night.  Today, I was standing in the front lawn at the PC office in Sofia.  I saw them get out of a taxi and started to cry.  We all had work at the office today, so I ran into them several times.  It was really hard.  Every time I saw either of them…  tears.  Many tears.  

It’s a tragedy whenever anyone leaves Peace Corps early.  For stupid reasons, like not being able to follow simple rules.  For getting caught up in a mess of other people’s judgment issues.  For medical reasons.  For problems adjusting.  For whatever reason.  It’s a loss to the staff, the host organization (even if they don’t realize it!), to the other volunteers with whom relationships have been built.  I know it happens.  It’s just never hit home so hard.  These people came into my life and affected it.  They provided encouragement, comfort, support, resources, laughs, and dinner buddies.  They are volunteers that have reinforced Peace Corps’ good name in Bulgaria, and in other countries, for the work they have done here.  What Harmonie has done with the kids here gives me hope that I too will be able to make it and make a small difference on some lives.  


Anonymous said...

Hold You???

Thanks Melody, I guess Meggie is loved the world over!!

One individual speaking for many.

Anonymous said...

.......DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!!

cinnamon girl said...

Oh, I can sympathise. I'm hurting real bad missing my friends. Sounds like there are still people there that care for you a lot though.

Anonymous said...

Consider yourself HUGGED! AWWWWWWWWWWWW! I am slightly panged, can't believe all those people are there for you and I can't be. I have to be STILL your ONLY little princess. Guess what? FRED MARKERT is coming to stay at your house! Your mom just told me TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to see him next weekend. OMG, I am gonna freak. Check your email today. I love you!

vassi said...

I"m sending a hug your way too :) See how many people care about you and want you to be happy? Remember that when you're feeling lonely and hurt!
I'm sad that we didn't get to see each other during the dance camp, but please let me know if there's anything else going on around mentioned a camp that might happen. You're always welcome in MOmchilgrad too...there's wonderful hiking trails and Rhodopi mountain goodness and now, ultimate frisbee :)
Take care, Meagan!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweet One! Wish I could personally deliver a hug and whatever, of anything, that would comfort you. Please know that I think of you often and pray for wonderful experiences and special memory making times.

I love you much! sallyjean!