I think the combined impact of my recent posting, and an email I wrote to her, have terrified my mother. I'm pretty sure she's sent her prayer warriors after me. Which I appreciate, of course.
I'm not exactly sure who is the author of the comment on the post, "indignation," but I want to respond to her (
i'm pretty sure it's a her because the comment was linked to a women's organization) claim that Truth is the color or Jesus. I understand that to mean that we can realize Truth through an understanding of Jesus. Sounds good...
So then, in who's understanding of Jesus should I rely? Is Jesus the beginning and ending of Truth? Is it possible that Jesus contains Truth, and Truth contains Jesus, but they are not entirely the same thing? I mean, is it possible that in Jesus is everything True, and in Truth is all of Jesus, but there is Truth outside of Jesus, and there is Jesus outside of Truth. What is Truth? AHHHH the anarchy and chaos!!
I have other, more heretical questions. Questions, notions, and ideas that I fielded to my mum and I think I frightened her. Sorry
I've got something even more heretical rolling through the space between my ears...
I don't believe my salvation lies in a formula of trite phrases, dare I say cliches, based on the opinion of interpreters of interpreters of recorders of Jesus' words. I believe Truth lies within every human heart as it is in the image of God and my salvation lies in my faith and
response to that Truth. I believe Jesus is the most perfect way our weak minds can deal with how to
respond to Truth and that he was a living representation of Truth.
Heretic thought #429: I think we, the Christian church, have missed the forest for the trees. I think we have stopped
responding to Truth because we've been too busy analyzing and trying to figure out what it is in some sense we aren't even meant to understand. I want to simply believe that Truth exists and act on it, respond to it.
Why do I keep capitalizing truth? I'm referring to ultimate Truth, the kind that is etched into your soul. I will make the heretic claim #378 that God is Truth (that's not the heretic part, i know) and that one of the ways to understand God and participate in His nature is to try to seek Truth in our actions - respond to it. How? Think of a big T Truth... All men are created equal, for example. So,
if you believe that, do you act on it? Do you try to repair inequalities between people groups? Here's another: All men have the
innate right to life. Do you fight to protect life all over the world? Or do you prefer to bicker over what life is? I'll refrain from soapboxing here. By seeking to act in a True way we act in a Godly way, in a way Jesus showed and all the scripture before that sought to mete out through laws.
Maybe this God thing is so much less complicated than our dogma leads us to believe.
I know this post is already chaotic enough, and should be divided up and well organized (maybe some day
i'll get
ejermacated and write
meself a book), but I have one more thought for tonight, and that is a fear. I love this constant questioning and longing of the soul. A quest in which every conclusion raises more questions. I fear some people will doubt my wisdom and authority because I prefer raising questions to giving answers, and think less of me.
Who am I to give answers?
There is an arrogance so foul in the claim that one has a complete grasp on anything of God, which is by default, anything in existence and anything conceivable, since God created all things and is in all things. But that claim is one which the church all over the world and through all of her history has made. This attempt to
shackle God into our
feeble realm of
conceivability is, to my understanding, more
blasphemous than anything I have asserted.
Please, do not take from me the mystery of God.
I'd love to hear your thoughts... I brace myself for your criticism, if even to say my thoughts are too muddled to understand.