Hoorah for summer! I love it. It's simply georgeous! I slept in a bit, went to a colleagues for coffee and cherries. The most pressing thing on my schedule today is to cheer on France at ten pm with some friends. This time last year however, well... нищо общо nothing in common.
Things I love about my life right now:
I love my girlfriends! I love that, while last year I had people to support me, and would not trade that friendship for the world, they have all evolved and changed and now I have some amazing new friendships.
I love my colleagues! I love that I can count on my counterpart, best bulgofriend, colleague, and comraid in Razlogshki foreignness to help me, have fun with me, try new and silly things with me, cry with me, be excited for me, support me, and vice versa!! And I am so happy that after a year, I have finally been invited to a colleague's house, other than Yulia's (my CP) for na gosti!
I love new friends! I'll tell you three stories about new friends:
1) One Saturday night, Meggi went out in BigCity with her girlfriends and made a new friend. Another Saturday night she went out with newfriend in BigCity and met his old friends. Now Meggi has more friends!
2) One time Meggi went to a little town to be a "good PCV" and help the new teachers. She made five new friends there. Later she went to a very nice conference and met more new teachers. Later, when the new teachers promised to be good and faithful Peace Corps Volunteers, Meggi went out with some new teachers and some old teachers and some older teachers who had fulfilled their promises and were going home. She got stuck in a hail storm. She got so very wet in the rain that she had to wring out her skirt. She also had bruises on her little arms from the big mean hail stones. But it was a very fun night and a very exciting way to spend one's first or last night as a Peace Corps Volunteer.
3) One time Meggi went to BigCity to see an older teacher who was leaving Peace Corps. She hung out with the PCV who lives in BigCity and a Brit who leaves in a nearby village. She also hung out with newfriend. They all had a lot of fun together and even though older teacher is gone to more beautiful and peaceful places, Meggi is happy for her. It's okay because they got stranded in the hail together a few days later with out even planning to see each other! Now the village Brit is Meggi's new friend too!
I love cherry season!
I love my mom who will be here in 8 days!
I love watching soccer! er, football! er, european football!
I love wearing skirts and not being cold!
I love warm breezes!
I love that I used the system and the system worked for once! (thanks boss)
I love bacon and friend balls of mashed potatoes at the "Irish Pub" even though there's nothing Irish about the pub and the bacon is just thin strips of ham. It's still tasty!
Kay, that's all for today...