Me and Rachel in Sarajevo, in front of a lovely fountain. The park behind us became Muslim burrial grounds because there were few safe places to bury the dead durring the war. In front of us there is memorialized shell damage on the sidewalk.

At the cemetary in Sarajevo the Muslims, the Orthodox, and even a small patch of Protestant are burried together. This is the place where the the Muslim and the Christian graves come together. This is a huge cemetary and all the gravestones you can see show lives that ended between 1990 and 1996

These are my little feetsies in a river that goes under the old bridge in Mostar, Bosnia. This bridge was destroyed durring the war but rebuilt.

This is the bridge upon which Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated, thus beginning the first world war. In the back ground is an example of the way Sarajevo is a beautiful and tragic desplay of Austro-Hungarian, Communist, and Ottoman (but not shown here) archeticture which has been damaged or destroyed, rebuilt, lived in, died in, but surviving several awful wars.
More later from Dubrovnik and other places along my crazy journey!!
Very interesting pictures - indicative of how different religions and cultures often com into collision. And it leaves behind pain and destruction. I remember that when the war in the former Yugoslavia began, I couldn't believe this was happening in the 20th century; all the more that this was happening few kilometres from Bulgaria. I hope everything is doing to be all right from now on. :)
Amazing and thought provoking.
It blows my mind how quickly humans can descend into war - and how soon afterwards they can take beautiful holidays amongst the ruins.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip and I look forward to more pics and your thoughts on it all.
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