Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Smells like winter

Walking home from one of the last evening coffees outside, I recognized the smell of winter. People have started lighting their wood stoves, causing the air to have that haze that makes the sunset all the more brilliant as it falls over the mountains, not yet draped in white. Folks here are still preparing for winter. Last minute canning involves a huge pot, more like a cauldron really, lit from below with a wood fire. On the side of the road, near the river, across from the homes, flowers are still bright and healthy. Above them a few meters, the leaves are beginning to change to orange-rust-yellow. Don't they know, they'll just fall in a month? Some will still be clinging to the branch when that first snow comes in November.

I'm hoping for a better winter this year. So far, everything else is better than last year. The crisis, conflicts, drama, and debates are not foreseen. I know my way around this landscape a little better. I have friends and support here. I have people who really care about me this year. No way but up right?

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