Saturday, May 27, 2006


If I were a nicer teacher or PCV, I wouldn't show you this. If I were a meaner teacher or PCV, I'd have made a better clip and used it as blackmail against the three PCVs/former PCVs (name them and you get kudos from me!)

I've been a bit bored today so I'm looking at pictures. I had forgotten I had taken this clip, so it was a refreshing laugh when saw it. I love my students, they crack me up. I just don't so much like teaching them.

Also seen on this clip are Bulgarians from Blagoevgrad, Czechs (including one who I had a bit of a crush worthy of immature peanut tossing and 4 am bootie dancing...), and a few Italians. And those big green things? Name tags in the form of clovers. It was St. Patrick's day.

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