Monday, October 16, 2006

Some things I love

Some Things I Love


Hearing a song that speaks to my soul

Stepping in fresh snow on a sunny day

Getting an email from someone I haven’t heard from in a while

Words that take my breath away and make me smile

Kicking up leaves with my feet

Hearing children laugh from their bellies

Seeing pictures, hearing songs, or smelling things that remind me of that perfect vacation

Getting a package from someone who loves me

An unexpected complement

Laughing till tears fall down my face

Knowing that someone has done something just for me

Feeling like I’ve accomplished something

Cooking a nice meal for someone else

Doing something for someone which I know he or she will appreciate and enjoy

Walking out of a class with a smile

A hug that squeezes the uglies away

What do you love?

1 comment:

vassi said...

I love:
pulling down the shades and dancing like a wildwoman in my living room

the feeling I get after i do a big load of laundry and have a big, fresh pile of clean clothes that I can jump in :)

playing yahtzee and frisbee

rolling down hills of fresh grass, hopefully without too many rocks!

curling up with a good book on a rainy/cloudy/snowy day

playing wif zie dogs on zie street even though everyone sez "Don't do zat!"

the sunset, the sunrise, and sleeeeeeping

reading your blog!

reading your blog!!