This is a гоблен (goblen). It's a type of embroidery. It's my new hobby.

After I bought this little set which the shop lady said would be easy for me, I came home and ran into my land-lady. When I told her what I'd bought she insisted I see what she has embroidered. Then she came over and helped me get started. I've always hated sewing because of all the knots. With these, there are no knots! I love it! This is what I got done today!!

This is the scheme one uses to know what to embroider. Every color has a symbol. Every one square on the scheme is four little squares on my cloth. This paper is only half the scheme for my little winter scene.

And these are some peanut butter brownies I made last weekend. Although they were a little burnt, they were quite tasty.
That's what I've been doing lately. Besides teaching, of course...
Oh, I wish you could send me some Brownies!!
Love ya Mom
AND the pictures are very cool!!
You never cease to amaze me, child of mine!!!
SWEET ESAU! Those look amazing. And I'm not even a big fan of peanut butter!
Looooooove you!
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