Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My Own Winter Wonderland (yeah, i'm wonderin' how I'm going to last a winter that is 6 months long!)

I woke up this morning really tired and a bit late.  Thank God Wednesdays are my late mornings.  I don’t have class today until 10:35.  Last night I was VERY cold.  I had been out in town shopping, and it started to snow.  This is snow on top of the layer of ice on the ground.  I went home, cooked, turned on my heater, and started a load of laundry (this has been avoided for quite some time because the clothes have to be wrung out, and that is a very cold process these days).  About 9:30, my power went out.  My first thought: “I’m going to freeze of hypothermia and no one will notice I’m dead until next spring when I start to melt and smell awful.”  Then I thought to check if other places have power.  Hm, the neighbors downstairs had their lights on.  At that point I realized that I had blown the circuit.  I went downstairs and made my dyado landlord get out of bed.  I felt SO badly.  I checked the fuses, found the one that was bad (I do not like these old school fuses.  Why can’t I just flip a switch and everything is happy again?) and took it to Dyado Pesho.  We worked together on a series of solutions and after an hour, we were both able to go back to rest.  The details are for another episode of “Razlogshki Ingenuity.”  All that is to say, that well, I don’t know why I’m telling you that.  

So when I woke up this morning, I found a FOOT of snow on the ground.  A foot!  At least.  Last night, before the fuse incident, I was sitting with my Baba and Dyado, eating pallachinki and Ruska Salata, and being reminded of how cold it gets here.  “Snow up to here” (as he points to his chest).  He proceeds to tell me that in winter, that it stays around -20 C, and folks can’t go to school or work because of the snow.  “Stiga be,” I say and laugh.  He’s got to be pulling my leg right?  Well, after this morning, I may believe him.  It hasn’t gotten above freezing since Friday night.  A little bit of the snow and ice we’ve accumulated (which even I could say wasn’t much) began to melt yesterday afternoon when we had several consecutive hours of very bright clouds.  (Bright enough that you can see where the sun should be.  

Well, I guess I’ll load up some pictures and get ready for school.  I reckon some one would call me if there wasn’t school.  And here, where the snow comes to here (I’m pointing to my chest), what’s a foot of snow anyway?  Oh, I think I just realized why all the girls tuck their pants into their boots.  What if my legs and pants can’t both fit into my boots??  Oh, POOR MEGI!


Arin_C said...

I wish we got a foot or more of snow. We only got about 4 inches.

Anonymous said...


It is cold here, too, about 40 today. I took Sadie and Kura for a walk.
How do you get to school in all that snow? How far is school from your apartment?
Love, Dad