Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Fire in the Sky

The best place in Bulgaria to experience a thunder storm is here in Razlog. There's something about hearing thunder crash off the mountain and roll around in the bowl of a valley you live in. It starts on your left and goes to the right, it slowly rolls from one side and back to the other.

And the lightning is unbelievable. In the dusk of sunset a flash lights up the sky like the noon day sun. After that you're blinded and all the sky is black. By the time the thunder rolls through your eyes have adjusted and perhaps the sky is a slightly brighter shade of sunset blue.

My summer is begining with thunderstorms very similar to the way last summer ended. It makes me think about the time that elapsed inbetween- from last spring to the end of summer - from the end of summer to this springish season. All the things in between. Makes me wonder about a lot of things.

1 comment:

Gunner said...

Right now poor old Tennessee has been enjoying rain every other day for 2-3 weeks. Hard to do my regular yardwork because of it.