Sunday, February 19, 2006

am i the bird or its droppings?

“Don’t act so proud about it, Ruby said.  In her view that’s where the answer to this issue might lie.  Every little dogwood can’t grow up right where it falls under the big dogwood.  Being rooted, they use the birds to move themselves around to more likely ground.  Birds eat berries, and the seeds come through whole and unmarred, ready to grow where dropped, already dressed with manure.  It was Ruby’s opinion that if a person puzzled all this out over time, she might also find a lesson somewhere in it, for much of creation worked by such method and to such ends.”

From Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier

So, here’s where Meggi’s blogche gets interactive.  Tell me what is the lesson?  Can you expand on this metaphor?  Give me your interpretation in a comment!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sometimes you just gotta be gobbled up, moved away and shat out before you can grow up and contribute to your world.

I love that book. More specifically, I love Ruby. I think she just might be my favorite character in modern literature. And the relationship between her and Ada, I think, is one of the great relationships.