Tuesday, February 21, 2006

just grow where you're dropped

This is the conclusion to my last post. Here's where I run my mouth because no one else will - not on my site anyway. Oh, but before I do, I just want to say BETH!! I MISS YOU!! It was sosoSOso good to see you are reading my blog! I miss you miss bef!!

Can you grow where you've been dropped? What does that mean anyhow? I reckon that Ruby would like for us to know that our experiences in life prepare us for what is next. Those experiences may not be pleasant. Actually they may be quite similar to avian fecal matter. Like manure to a seed, our experiences give nutrition to our souls causing us to grow and become stronger and healthier.

And here's where I digress... You are a beautiful young oak sapling that's been through a few nasty storms, maybe your being planted went roughly. However, you can't see the strength that is waiting inside you. You can't see past your history, always looking back. You admire your scars because it's easier than leaning towards the future. You will not keep growing forever. You have to accept your past and grow from it. You can't stay in it, and you can't deny it. It's a tough line to walk, perhaps. No one ever said being a tree was easy though.

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