Thursday, March 30, 2006

Devilish Desire

Or maybe it's devil's desire. I don't know. But it's my favorite song right now. Oh, and it's chalga. That, "bella ciao," "habibi," and "obicham te." So, I'm kind of in a chalgatastic/ "dance camp" (as celia put it) mood. You know, I was at the exchange in Dobarsko. There were a few theme songs. Celia went crazy for "Habibi." I got into "Dqvulsko Jelanie." Me, Miro (one of my 11b students), and Celia busted our vocal chords several times to "Barbie Girl." I shoved my way into the Romanian dance circle on every round of that Romaie song. Those were some seriously good times. I rolled my eyes at my students when they said they were "heavy" with missing their new friends. I miss the good times. And the productivity of it. Everything was intense. I know it's not always healthy, but that is the way I prefer it.

Ne znaesh - Malina and AzisThis is one of my favorite BG songs. "you don't know how i've waited, you don't know how i've cried." blablabla.

So, I'll be out of town again. I'm on SPRING BREAK!!! I'm going to Blagoevgrad, Plovdiv, Krichim, Varna, Sofia, Etropole, Sofia, and back to Razlog. And only in 10 days! Yes, I can do this. It's called taking the night train.

I had a crazy day at school today.
AND I LOVED IT! What's up with that?? I took two classes for my CP while she's in Italy on the EU's dime.

My class with what one of my colleagues considers to be the laziest group in school went pretty well. My schedule changed so I had them second instead of first and second. This meant I got to sleep in, and they got to wake up with some other teacher.

I watched presentations by one of the 8th grade groups. I'll never understand why teachers don't care that students copy and paste all of their information from websites. There were words that these guys KAAAHLEEEEEEERLY don't know! but whatevs.

I took my CPs 11v class. We just chatted about PC, me, America, and them. The basic stuff. What do you want to study, blablabla. It was a nice change.

I also took my CPs 6th grade class. These guys were SOOOO cute. I've never seen a sweeter bunch of kids. EVER! (at least not here in Bulgaria). It was so much fun.

I had my SIPs today. Which are usually a joke because welllll I don't have regular attendance, the kids don't take them seriously, and frankly, I'm not very motivated to teach a bunch of half-interested kids. Today with my 8v class, we started by picking an object and writing about it as if we were it. Then, picking another object and writing about it as if we were it, but from our beginnings. Ex: I started in a cow. Then one beautiful day someone put my in a bottle. Then you drink me. What am I? I'm serious, that's what one of my girls came up with. So, after that and a couple rounds of 20 questions (we were a car and a desk for these), I called it a day with my 8th grader-girls and got ready for my 9b SIP. I had decided it was time for a change. The weather was beautiful (a B*E*A*UUUUUtiful) day. When I met them in the hallway they asked if we would go to the conference room or their classroom. When I told them neither, let's go have coffee, their faces lit up! So we sat and had coffee outside for an hour plus and talked. About spring break, summer, my life, their lives. Good times. I'm reckoning on doing the same with my 10th graders tomorrow.

I'm also going to a meeting my students (and my sitemate's youth group) are having tomorrow. I am going to try to be involved with what they do with out irritating my admin and colleagues. So basically, don't take time off to trek around Europe with them. But come summer... I'M IN! whatevs.

I've officially spent too much time on the internet today. But I got so wrapped up in chalga clips!! what is a girl to do??


Anonymous said...

Do I need to worry about you??
Have fun - be careful!! Take some pictures to send home.
Love ya
The Mommo ;)

Anonymous said...

My exgirlfriend is Bulgarian and she made me watch that music video about a million times!