Thursday, March 16, 2006

"we got a runna"

No big thoughtful post tonight. I'm going to be sparse for the next few days. My sitemate, Harmonie has organized an international exchange with her youth group. I will be helping/hanging out with them. It starts tomorrow, Friday and goes through Thursday. I am actually taking off Monday and Wednesday to help out. Should be fun. It will be in Dobarsko, quite a beautiful little village, with a church on Unesco's list of places of international heritage or something like that. (It's the church with Jesus in a rocket ship, if you've ever wanted to see such a thing)

Small thought: I was at my Thursday coffee place with my Thursday coffee crowd today, since it is Thursday. Coolest gym teacher ever said she has been having an strangely strong appetite lately. She's always hungry. It occurs to me now that I have had a strange appetite for sleep lately. I cannot get enough sleep. I can nap all afternoon, then wake up, use the toilet and "go to bed." You reckon I have mono? This is why I've been sick so much? I have mono! OR It's winter and that generally drains me. There were a few minutes of sunshine today which were quite enjoyable from inside, where you couldn't tell quite how cold it was outside.

Alright friends, although I'd love to comment on the ongoing debate raging over censorship and our PC duties, I won't. Because... you guessed it, I'm too tired. I did laundry and made some kind of meal today, that is all the productivity I can handle. Oh, and watched a couple episodes of "Prison Break" just for the hay of it. I LOVE THAT SHOW! "Your hormonethings are all out of wack, you aren't thinking straight."


vassi said...

Hey Maegen,
I wish I could join you for the big exchange music\dance gig this week...unfortunately, shortage of funds, the necessity to finish writing our project by March 20th, and my already excessive absence from home-base (after two weeks in India) keeps me grounded here in M-grad. I hope you have a fantabulous time with the kids and that the experience pumps you with so much inspiration, enthusiasm, and joy that you can't even think about your bed :)
i'll look forward to reading about it in your blogaroo. Please let Harmonie know that I regret not being able to come and may it be so successful that you just have to do it again :-)

Anonymous said...

You're most likely tired and lethargic most of the time because of your new Bulgarian diet.

Start eating six small meals scattered throughout the day made up of protein and COMPLEX carbohydrates.

Whenever I get into the "one meal a day" mode my metabolism shuts down and I'm tired all the time too.

This will happen especially if you're not getting enough calories. Your metabolism changes to suit your caloric intake. This is why all those people that just go on nazi diets and don't excercise inevitably fail.

Just try it. You will notice the energy change immediately, and make sure you're drinking enough water.


P.S. I didnt join the military