Monday, March 06, 2006

"I'm sick and tired of always being sick and tired"

I think I've been pretty sensitive lately. I don't mean kind and sweet sensitive, I mean perceptive sensitive. I've been stunned by things lately. The beauty around me has been amazing. You would think the world has changed. Perhaps it has a little. The earth is shifting little by little each day. The sun, as it hits the mountains is never the same twice. There's been a bit of clear sunshine everyday since Friday, and I've taken advantage of it.

Maybe with this hint of spring weather, God is reminding me of his natural order. There is a natural order to relationships, to discipleship, to weather, to health. I frequently either disobey or resent that order. I'm opinionated. I like to speak my mind perhaps to a fault. I want to help people, sometimes being honest with them before having built a necessary level of trust. I hate winter and would rather skip it entirely. I am sick AGAIN!! I will admit that I don't take very good care of myself. There is a natural order to one's health. One must consume certain vitamins and minerals inorder for sufficient immune functioning. I am not good at that.

Have you ever been in any type of relationship with someone with whom communication seemed intolerably unmanageable? Maybe the two of you had a great relationship and something happened and you don't communicate well anymore? Maybe the two of you were put together for work or some other reason and you must communicate but are just dreadful at it? Maybe you two are family? There are lots of reasons why people who can't just up and leave eachother have communication problems. Dare I say the vast majority can be attributed to trust issues? I recently blogged about that and I'm still behind myself on that opinion. I can't stress enough that we learn to trust one another, that we seek to earn eachother's trust.

And finally. I feel like poopoo. I am sick once again. I don't feel as awful as the last time I was sick. Here's hoping we don't get that far. But on the bright side: my dad figured out a way to get video clips of my puppies to me (stupid cameras with exclusive codecs make this difficult). And: I went to the bazaar today and found popcorn kernels, and I finally bought another towel! Yeah for me! (but you still have to bring a towel when visiting!)

peace love and martenichki!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That song in the title always reminds me of being in the car with Sutku. Good times. We should go back soon and make him take us to Chudni Mostove! (I know you've been, but he has a new car beh!)