My fabulous mommo sent me a crockpot, as I've already mentioned. Well, I thought it'd be appropriate to celebrate this most joyous celebration with a cnimka. Let's have an inspection, shall we? What have we here? Inside the lovely crockpot appears to be a few of Meggi's favorite things. Nope, I don't mean raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. I mean peanut butter cup chocolate cookies (actually, I've never had these before, but my mommy knows how I do adore the choco-peanutbutter combo!). Next to that we have the 2 for a buck spicey peanuts that you can find in any decent gas station in America. Sitting in front of our shiney new crockpot we have Quaker instant oatmeal, Andes mint chocolates, some Reeses peanut butter cups, Red Beans and Rice. And that little green patch on the bottom left corner? What's that? That, my dear friends, is one of the last three remaining packs of green apple Sour Punch Straws. I don't know what I'll do with myself when they're gone. I've been pretty good though. I never have more than one a week. I'd go though a whole case in a week in the states! Okay, that's all the gloating I have for today. Have I mentioned that I have a fabulous mommo?? LUVYA!!!
Hey Boo!!
Just wanted to let you know that your photo presentation of products is great!!!! Great Picture!! I am impressed.....I don't know why - Ya know, you never cease to amaze me. As a matter of fact, your talents are beyond my ability to even comprehend!
Oh yeah, our friend Cathy wanted to know what she could get for you and I told her a crock pot. I must give credit where credit is due. She bought the pot and I stuffed it.
I love you and miss you. This year’s Christmas morning will surely be a sad one for me. I will miss seeing you curled up on one end of the couch with your doggie. You’d be wearing pajama pants and a big baggy warm sweatshirt. In your hand would be a tall Christmas mug filled with good coffee-you’d be patiently waiting on your brother or sister to pass out your gifts. Yeah, ok, that’s enough.
Love ya, miss ya, and am proud of ya.
Oh, your mom sounds sweet. (You have no idea how weird that felt to write. Over here it's spelled mum.)
I can't believe you can't get cloves and cinnamon there! I'd go mad. I'm a spicy kind of girl.
I'm trying to work out how to send cartons of our local beer and jars of vegemite to my european housemate when she goes back. The vegemite should be OK, but the beer? I don't know.
Mommy! don't say things that will make me cry! you are a HORRIBLE woman. teehee. are you crying? (it's an inside joke friends. please don't think me ungrateful!)
Hasarder. I've never seen cinnamon sticks here. My bulgo-friends nearly die when they pop one of my cinnamon Altoids in their mouths. They can't handle the mad flava!
The beer, I don't know about. But I reckon, if you package it well, and put it in the dead center of a big box, it'll be okay. Especially if your housemate is in a country like Bulgaria.
We don't get cinnamon flavoured things here, it hasn't caught on yet. I go to a specialty shop which imports cinnamon mentos, chewing gum and tic tacs from the States. I make my own cinnamon chocolates.
Hope you're having a good weekend!
life with out cinnamon? how tragic.
note to the jealous... there are only a few of those yummy Keibler cookies left. I ate them all while reading a very corny but beautifully romantic novel.
OK Sweetie, I can't even remember the name of that book at the moment, however, it did help me relate better to the book of Hosea. I'm glad the cookies helped the book go down:-)
Love ya!! Your mom's OLD sister!
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