Sunday, January 22, 2006

more stupid crap from myspace

1. Who's bed did you sleep in lastnight? -- mine
2. What color shirt are you wearing? -- my gray Anderson University sweatshirt and my green and white baba vest
3. Do you have any pets? -- no. except my doggy back in the states
4. Most recent movie that you watched? -- i watched the last half of Zoolander this evening.
5. Name 3 things that you have on you all the time: -- gsm, chapstick, keys
6. What's the color of your bedsheets? -- blue with calla lilies
7. How much cash do you have on you right now? that's not your business
8. What were you doing at midnight last night? -- watching TV with Ned and Andy, drinking Kamenitsa Tumno, eating leftovers
9. How many people on your friends list are EX's? -- none (myspace)
10. Whats your favorite part of the chicken? -- the breast, boneless and skinless
11. Whats your favorite town / city? -- Nashville, because I know it
13. I can't wait to .-- go to Lucia's next weekend, go skiing again the weekend after that.
14. When was the most recent time that you saw your dad? -- April 22, 2005
15. Who got you to join myspace? -- my sister, Elayna
16. How long have you been at your current job? -- 9 months on the 25th of the month
17. Is Tom on your friends list? -- i don't know, i haven't paid attention.
18. What's the last thing you said out loud? -- besides laughing outloud? besides exclamations of pain? Maybe something like, "bye, thanks for coming."
19. Look to your left, what's there? -- my dinner table
20. What's on your right? -- my back door.
21. What is the last thing/person you spent over $100 on? -- I really can't remember. No one thing I've bought here has cost over $100. Maybe my trip out to Oregon and California last spring.
22. Who's your favorite villain? -- I don't have one. my self maybe.
23. Whats the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone? -- underarmor from andy yesterday to keep dry while skiing.
24. What web site(s) do you visit the most during the day? -- blogspot, stat counter,, and PCV blogs.
25. If you could drink anything right now what would it be? -- my mom's apple cider
26. Does anything hurt on ur body right now? -- oh yes. a better question is, "does anything on your body not hurt right now." I'm aching from skiing yesterday.
27. What city was your last taxi cab ride in? -- sofia
28. Do you own a picture phone? -- no
29. What's your favorite Starbucks drink? -- ammaretto soy latte
30. Any ideas for your new years resolution? -- to take my vitamins everyday, but i've not been doing very good at it.

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