Monday, January 02, 2006

Nothing better to do

So, I'm chilling in the PC office with Becca. Apparently, most of the staff is still on New Years holiday. So we're taking online quizes. Here's a new result... and btw, I don't sleep with as many people as possible. But this is a good book!

You're Love in the Time of Cholera!

by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Like Odysseus in a work of Homer, you demonstrate undying loyalty by
sleeping with as many people as you possibly can. But in your heart you never give
consent! This creates a strange quandary of what love really means to you. On the
one hand, you've loved the same person your whole life, but on the other, your actions
barely speak to this fact. Whatever you do, stick to bottled water. The other stuff
could get you killed.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

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