or, na Razlogshki, maawa (it should be pronounced mahala, but since one of the signs left of the 'x' I figure it legitimately doesn't belong, since this is a totally dialectally embracing blog)...
Things get damaged/ Things get broken/I thought we'd manage/But words left unspoken/Left us so brittle/There was so little left to give/I pray you learn to trust/Have faith in both of us/And keep room in your hearts for two. (Depeche Mode Precious).
In random news... There's a possibility I'll have company this weekend... It's still cold outside, but this living out of one room thing seems to suit me. We'll see how that works when school starts back. Okay, I'm back to my favorite diet of breakfast biscuits and nutella, but I haven't got any of either, so I'm out to buy some of that for the first time today. And guess what, since it's dark out side and my coat is on the long side, I'm going out in these sweat pants!! HAHAHAHA TAKE THAT Bulgaria!
Word. Kukeri rock my socks. Thanks for playing hostess. I'm out.
Those pictures were worth a thousand words! I am glad Becca has you in Bulgaria.I look forward to meeting you!! Becca's MOM
Were you looking at my blog at the same time as I was looking at yours just now? Or was that some other bulgarian?
I love the site counter.
As demonstration of how amazingly unpredictable and ironic fashion is - I'm pretty sure women can actually wear sweatpants and be stylish now, though.
I think you're supposed to do the thing where you fold down the wasitband part once (I still haven't figured this out) and then it's stylish, otherwise it's not.
Jane, I'm glad I have Becca too. I think it's safe to say that under normal circumstances, Becca and I probably would not have become so close... but you throw random folks into one group a gazillion miles from home, and they become family. They become sanity and insanity. Thank God, Becca generally keeps me on the sane side.
And Brandon... Bulgaria would astonish your fashion senses! Somehow, it's okay to wear the most ghastly fabric and pattern combinations, but it's never okay to go out un-made up and dressed. I MISS the days of wearing sweats to class... hopping out of bed, throwing on a baggy sweatshirt and my berk-clogs, and running to FoodLion or TacoBell... No, sweatpants are in NO way fashionable here... then again, neither are Berk-clogs, or Tevas, or jeans that don't ride your uhhum. This is the point at which I say... ah, Bulgaria (with a musing, and affectionately confused tone of voice).
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